Friday, April 13, 2012

Making a Living as an Artist

I've often thought about doing an online sales site - selling controversial or unusual items, such as sex toys or an advice book or something similar - in addition to my art. Sometimes I think that such a thing would sell enough that I wouldn't have to worry too much financially and could spend more time producing art and less time worrying over my cash flow. Why does everything have to be so expensive?

Of course I could get by with a lot less if I didn't spend $1000+ per month on debts from the failed marriage to my kids' mom. But that's another issue that is taking forever to deal with. I just haven't been willing to declare bankruptcy, as I haven't absolutely had to (yet). That's another story....

Is it worth the time to even think about such a writing project? And what would I write about? I suppose I could write about dating as a single parent and fill an eBook with tidbits of advice in that area. I could even interview several single parents I know about the subject. That could be cool! But would it sell? Would it be  worth all the time and effort of writing it, let alone all the marketing it would take? Or how about sex as a single parent? Or just sex? Everybody likes sex. Right? Well, maybe not if you're someone I used to know... Again another story (one I'll probably never tell).

These thoughts are always inspired by frustrations in my finances. When you don't know exactly how much you're going to make in a given month, and whether it's going to be enough to cover your bills, there is some worry. It's not like I can go live at home with my parents if things get tough. I try not to tell my kids about exactly how tight things can be - there's no need to worry them. They're much to young to even think about such things.

So, is such writing a good idea? What about making an affiliate site, were I sell other people's things and take a commission from what I sell? I'm not sure that's worth it at all. I'd have to bust my butt to get people to my site, probably spend money on advertising, and still not be certain if it worked. The more I think about it, the more I think that I should just stick to making artwork and writing my own things. I truly love that! For me, doing the artwork isn't really work. Well, it is. And there are times when I have to force myself to start. But once I'm going, I get lost in the work and LOVE what I'm doing. Yes, I'd do my writing and artwork even if I didn't get paid for it. And lots of times I don't. Of course it would be nice to be able to say that I'm working on a certain series or project, and have someone express an interest and say they want to buy it before it's done. I'm sure that'll happen someday.

But for now I have to push myself to get those projects that other people want first. Then I can work on the things I like!

Some of the projects I am working on:
  • a set of full metal finger gauntlets for a client in the USA
  • a set of mitten gauntlets for a client in Calgary
  • a coat of plates, based on one of the more complex Wisby finds
  • Mythic Hero (my fantasy role playing game)
  • a book on Western Martial Arts
  • a series of erotic ink drawings
  • the cover for Mythic Hero
  • a fiction book
  • a full circle leather cloak, lined with wool
  • a couple of illuminated pieces of short prose
Those are things in progress now. There are also many projects that I would like to start, including:
  • a comic
  • a samurai tie
  • a portrait of my kids
  • "Zombie Love" painting
  • a Norse helm, complete with knotwork brass covering the outside
  • a metal top hat
  • male and female nude "armour" torsos (these are sculptures, not armour; but they are armour inspired)
  • several nude studies
  • a few fantasy drawings and paintings (I need some models for this, too).
  • a book on self defense
  • a book on knife fighting
  • an armour (metal) tie based on Celtic knotwork
  • the final two drawings for "The Secret Places" children's book by Lily Enzinger (I'm glad I don't have a deadline on this)
  • a metal crest and illuminated crest for The Academy of European Swordsmanship
  • several other paintings:
    • more in the zombie series
    • a series of erotic painting with angels and devils
    • a series of abstract erotic paintings
    • a series based on the idea of the "Mythic Hero" in legend and history
  • Several drawings:
    • more in my butterfly miniature series
    • a "Space Babe" series
    • an "Armoured Babe" series
    • several erotic ink drawings
    • a "Career Babes" series
    • an erotic male series
  • and much more!
I have more ideas coming all the time, so inspiration is never a problem. It's time. It's money. I actually spend a lot of my time still doing other work to make ends meet, and art accounts for about 60% to 70% of my working time (and about 50% of my income). Maybe that's why I wish some of these internet schemes really were easy ways to make money. Of course they're not. And that's why I stick to my art and writing. I know that if I push these and keep plugging at it I will eventually make it in the field. I just hope I don't starve first!

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